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How to Stay Productive During a Business Move

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There are many good reasons to relocate your business--but disrupting operations to relocate your office or store to a new location can slow productivity and affect profits. If you are planning an upcoming corporate relocation, these tips will help you properly prepare for your move and maintain efficiency during the process.

Plan ahead

The best way to keep down time minimal and maintain optimal productivity when moving a business or office is to make preparations well in advance.

  • Begin the packing process gradually, and pack items that are not essential to your operations ahead of time.
  • Schedule your move for a weekend or during-off hours to reduce disruption. Make sure to begin comparing quotes from movers several months before your move to ensure you can book your date before their schedule fills up.
  • Go over the logistics of the move with your employees and make sure they are aware of their assigned tasks and designated roles in the move. If you are moving long distance, you should begin discussions with employees about relocating with you, and the benefits you may offer them to do so.

Keep data accessible

Your computers will be disconnected and transported to your new location, so be sure to save all of your important files, spreadsheets and documents to an external hard drive or cloud service. This way, you and your employees will retain access to your files during the course of the move, whether you are working from home, in a hotel, or another temporary location. Additionally, if your company is installing brand new equipment in your new office, data storage options will make it easier to get set up on the new computer systems after the move.

Work from home or on the road

Just because your office is mid-move doesn’t mean your business operations have to stall the entire time. Depending on the nature of your business, employees may be able to work from home or a hotel if you are moving long distance. Make sure to back all pertinent files up on an external hard drive or cloud service for easy access. If your employees aren’t moving with you, you may be able to keep them on temporarily until you can hire replacements by funding their hotel rooms during the move. Be sure to calculate hotel costs in advance to construct an accurate moving budget.

Upgrade your equipment

Relocating your business is a great excuse to upgrade your computer system, machinery, and other equipment to increase efficiency and productivity when you resume operations in your new location. Dispose of outdated CRT monitors in favor of sleek flat screens, get new office furniture, or invest in the latest equipment associated with your business. By purchasing all new equipment, you can have everything installed and set up in your new office before you even begin your office removal, reducing down time.

Notify clients and customers

Maintaining productivity directly depends on notifying your customers, clients, vendors, and other business associates of your impending move.

  • Use your social media accounts to notify your customer base and keep them up-to-date throughout the moving process
  • Send out an email blast or a mailed postcard before and after your move
  • Update all of your online and networking listings with your new address--such as Google, Yelp, and Yahoo profiles
  • You can send flyers, use radio and print advertising, and post about the move on your blog
  • Change your address and phone number in your professional email signature and on your official website

Hire office movers

The best way to limit the time it takes to complete your move and remain productive is to hire professional movers. Moving companies that handle business moves will often supply a corporate relocation specialist to aid you in the planning and organizing process to reduce down time and resume operations as quickly as possible. Also, allowing trained movers to conduct your physical move with the proper materials, equipment and procedures will minimize mishaps that could be costly later.

If you are planning an upcoming business move, begin comparing free quotes from business movers today at - just fill out our fast and easy quote form to receive no-obligation estimates from moving companies near you!

Nicole La Capria  Posted by Nicole La Capria on August 5, 2014

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